Taryn Fisher

About Taryn
Taryn is a former competitive swimmer, specializing in long-distance and IM. Taryn is a many-time 70.3 finisher, IRONMAN athlete, and ultra-runner having been in endurance sports for the last six years. She is located in Indianapolis, IN and is passionate about helping others cross their first or their fiftieth finish lines. Taryn is a proud representative for Betty Designs and has been a part of the “Betty Squad” since 2020.

My rates include Programming through Training Peaks, updated on a weekly basis; unlimited communication, training schedule updates, and race programming; and various brand, local race, and local triathlon club discounts.
Individual Sport (Swim/Bike/Run): $125/month
Triathlon: $150/month

  • English
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • USAT Level I Triathlon Coaching Certification

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